But it has come to my Bloody attention that there are some thirsty ass girls out here, that have nothing to do so are being spontaneous and doing videos on random stuff. Kudos to them, so I thought...
...Yesterday it came to my attention that Giovanna Plowman (Recently deleted her Twitter which she had for a day or two and is non active on facebook because of the 'bullying' she's receiving) decided (claimed it was a dare) to Eat her own bloody tampon HOLL' LESS <<<<REWIND<<<< Eat her own bloody tampon ..which she took from her vagina, HER FANNY, her other lips, her fuckin' pussy, which is shown on herself recorded video and ate/sucked on her tampon. She said ' it smells awful NOM NOM NOM NOMMMMM '
My gyal said her tampon smells and ate it. What the actual FUCK ?!
I'm sorry but even if this was a dare this is absolutely disgusting. This bitch needs JESUS CHRIST - THE SON OF GOD! I mean sucking your own period blood. C'mon now. I mean honestly I weep for humanity. Like I don't even know what to say to this situation to be honesssst. She clearly has mental issues or psychological issues or maybe she is just a ratchet ass hoe, I mean the possibilities as to why you'd do this To your LIFE is ridiculously endless.
The thing that rocks my rocker is that people are DEFENDING HER. Saying this is 'cyber bullying' and 'people have weird fetishes and Giovanna does one crazy thing and everyone is going nuts'
NO NO NO NO NO NOOO ! You can't condone what this girl did. She is basically a fucking CANNIBAL NOW.
So please Hide Yo PAD, Hide Yo TAMPON, Cuzzz Giovanna Plowman Eating ERRRBODY'S PERIOD !
If I was Giovanna's parents I wouldn't even know what to say to her, I couldn't even beat her, I'd be ashamed to say she is my own flesh and blood to be honest. I would just take her to the doctor. Make sure she can never have a period again and send her to a convent in Congo.
My problem now is, what's next ..?
What other crazy shit are we expected to see next in 2013 and for the rest of our lives ? What else can a *human* do to make mensickened to the core.
Giovanna kept defending herself saying it was a dare and she'll do what ever she wants. You know what I think we should all just sit here and pray for her. Even if you're non-religious I'm sure even you'll agree we should all just take a moment to pray for Giovanna, her poor friends and her parents. Who raised this child, taught her morals. I feel for her parents the most. They did not knowww :'(
Here is the video for this obscene sight, warning, I was gagging whilst watching this wanting to throw up so please,please,please take care when watching.. ;
So the question now is..
On a scale from 0 to Giovanna Plowman, how thirsty are you ;) ?
Have your say and drop a comment below orrr...
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Thanks for reading and stay tuned ;) !
-Colleen :D
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